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In Leviticus 24 there is a strange story that seems out of place. Just after YHWH gives Aaron instructions for how to care for the menorah and showbread in the Tabernacle, we have this account:

10. Now the son of an Israelite woman, being [also] the son of an Egyptian man, went out among the sons of Israel, and a man of Israel and the son of the Israelite woman struggled with each other in the camp,
11. but the son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name, and took it lightly. So they brought him to Moshe; now his mother's name was Sh'lomit, the daughter of Divri, from the tribe of Dan.
12. And they put him under guard until [the verdict] could be clarified for them by the mouth of YHWH.
13. So YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying,
14. "Bring the reviler outside the camp, and all those who heard [what he said] shall lean their hands on his head, and the whole congregation shall stone him."

His grandfather's name (Divri) means "my word" or "my business". This connects prophetically with the Pharaoh who is also called a dragon, who says, "My River is mine; I made it myself." (Ezek. 29:3-9) In other words, he claims to displace the Creator. Keep this in mind. Pharaoh is the King of Egypt, which is where this man's father comes from. The unnamed man had
left Egypt along with the Israelites, but he still carried "Egypt" within himself.

This Israelite woman who is called the "mother" of some of YHWH's people but goes after other lovers shows up again in Isaiah 50:1 and Hosea 2:2. Because of her sin and her children's, they have to be "put away" from Him for a while. Though it was Assyria who took the northern kingdom captive, in YHWH's eyes, they were returning to Egypt nonetheless! (Hosea 8:13) So Egypt is a code-name for the world system that enslaves us, wherever we may be. And it has several synonyms.

In Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:31ff) we see another picture of this "man" who is "stoned to death". In this image, Babylon is the head. Babylon is merely the Greek name for Babel, and the "mystery Babylon" which shows up again and again in Scripture is indeed a continuation of this theme that began with Nimrod's rebellion and the Tower of Babel, when, after YHWH had
brought judgment once, most of the human race decided to unite against Heaven and "make a name for themselves". (Gen. 11:4)

In contrast, shortly thereafter, Abraham is called out from among that Babylonian culture and given the promise that YHWH would make a name for him. The resulting nation, Israel, was one big exception to the curse placed on Babel, the start of a counter-history that would ultimately reclaim what Adam lost. Abraham was the first called a "Hebrew"--one who crosses over. From then on, those who belonged to YHWH are constantly being "called out" to be a set-apart nation, not counted among the nations of the world. (Numbers 23:9)

Nebuchadnezzar's image continues down through the Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires, and finally we find that Rome blends into the "feet of clay" which become the weakness that makes it possible for the stone "cut without hands" to topple it. That stone is Israel, which was not made by mankind but by YHWH.

Wherever there is a counterfeit there must be a "real thing". Since the fall of Adam, YHWH has been in the business of restoring the true "image of Elohim" in a "second Man" (1 Cor. 15:47), the "Last Adam" (15:45). In Isaiah 66:7-8, we see this poetically and mysteriously prophesied:

7. "Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.
8. "Who hath heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the Land be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

So this child that is born is also a nation, and its mother is Zion (Jerusalem or the whole Land of Israel). Yahshua is born in a "daughter of Zion" (Micah 4:8). He is the Head of that restored image. In Hebrew, "head" is related to the word for "first", because the head is normally the part of the body born first. So with Yahshua's resurrection on the feast of First Fruits, YHWH made a down-payment guaranteeing that the rest of the "new Adam" would indeed be born. The "body" of this new man must "hold fast to the head" (Col. 2:19) in order to finish rebuilding the lost image of Elohim. Paul calls the Galatians "my little children, of whom I labor in childbirth again until Messiah is formed in you..." (4:19) In Genesis 35 we see another allegory lived out by Rachel, the ancestress of the northern kingdom:

16 "Now they pulled up from Beyth-El, and while there was still a considerable stretch of land to go before they came to Efrath, Rachel went into labor, and she had great difficulty in the delivery of her baby.
17 "And it came to pass that, when her labor became most difficult, the midwife told her, "Don't be afraid, because this child is also a son for you!'"

Efrath means "fruitfulness". So the labor begins while the completion of Israel's fruitfulness is still a long way off. Messiah was the man-child brought forth long ago. But the birth-pangs are yet to come. The apostles were already working hard to reunite the northern and southern kingdoms. Indeed, for a while, Gentile believers had to be associated with a synagogue in order to be exempted from worshipping Roman gods. But when the Empire needed to be propped up in order to survive, Constantine seduced the church into resuscitating it by granting the Gentile believers a legitimacy of their own, and thus succeeded at dividing the Kingdom and mixing Ephraim with the nations once again. To hide its true agenda, paganism adopted a veneer of Christian terminology, and forged an alliance that parallels the iron mixed with clay in the statue's toes. Baal's (a.k.a. Mithras', a.k.a. Saturn's) birthday was now called "Christ's". Ishtar's festival was linked with Yahshua's resurrection just because they happened to sometimes coincide.

The Torah forbids such mixtures: There is to be no cross-breeding of animals. Animal and plant fibers are not to be mixed in the same garment. Israel is not to intermarry with pagans. A field is not to be sown with two kinds of seed (Lev. 19:19). The Northern Kingdom is depicted as "scattered" by YHWH (Hos. 1:4-11) because it did mix with the nations (Hos. 8:8). But this term (Jezreel) can also mean "sown". In Yahshua's parable (Matt. 13:28), an enemy comes along after the field is seeded. He adds the seeds of darnel, a plant that looks exactly like wheat until both come to maturity. Then the heads of wheat turn white and the heads of darnel turn black. This is a picture of the hybrid church-part Hebraic/Israelite and part-pagan.

As the time draws near for the two houses of Israel to unite into "one new man" (Ephesians 2:15), the counterfeit is keeping pace. The Gospel has been co-opted by Babylon. Little by little the proclamation that there is amnesty for the Northern Kingdom and others may join Israel if they so desire has been watered down to "God loves everyone, whether they obey Him or not."

Everywhere we hear the parroted cries for "unity" and "universal brotherhood" on the world scene. And the church has, by and large, joined the bandwagon. The Holy Roman Empire was one of the many attempts to jump-start the Roman Empire. Now it is on a larger scale: all the religions of the world are trying to get together just as all its governments are. But this is exactly what YHWH judged at Babel. He will allow it to happen this time, though, so that the darnel (the worthless grain) can all be bound up together and burned more easily.

Notice that the reviler's name is never given in Leviticus 24, but his mother's is: Sh'lomit means "peaceable". This is a red flag, since Yahshua said he did not come to bring peace, but a sword. The result of trying to make peace in an age when division is still the rule (since the tower of Babel) is this hybrid son who takes the Name of YHWH lightly. The church has often confused "blessed are the peacemakers" with "the peace that the world gives". After so many centuries of hobnobbing with princes, the institutional church often ends up serving societal purposes rather than holding society to a higher standard. And with the Ecumenical Movement, many (who no longer know Scripture well enough to see any reason for the continued rift) are now heeding Rome's invitation to take advantage of her amnesty and rejoin the "mother church". Of the counterfeit Messiah who will come to the forefront as the counterfeit's figurehead, Daniel says, "By peace he will destroy many".

This "fourth kingdom" (Daniel 2:40) correlates with the fourth beast (Dan. 7:7), who shows up again in Revelation 13--this "Beast" who derives his power from the "dragon" (v. 2) -- that same Pharaoh again who said the River was his own! Revelation 20:2 identifies this dragon as haSatan (the adversary). So the pictures all converge into one.

His tactic is to require everyone on earth to worship him (raising himself above all that is called Elohim, 2 Thess. 2:4) and be branded as part of his system, apart from which no one can buy or sell. (Remember Pharaoh in the River that "he made for himself"?) But "this calls for the endurance of the holy ones..." (Rev. 13:10; 14:12) This is where all we have learned is brought to bear: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from YHWH's mouth." He can provide manna just as easily as He did once before. We have a direct source of provision, and when we refuse to be counted among the nations, Mammon will prove only an illusion after all. There is no other reason for our compromise with paganism except to try to ensure our security. But many Scriptures reveal that it is really "Egypt" that is undependable. In the end it will turn on anyone who prostitutes herself with it. (Rev. 17:16)

Its true colors show up when YHWH starts to apply pressure. There will come a time when the counterfeit so hems in the true man that it appears that it will be all in vain: "The children have been brought to birth, but there is no strength to bring forth." (Isaiah 37:3) This is the stage in a woman's labor where she has been having severe contractions already. She gets to this stage called "transition". It is the shortest time, but the most serious. The next stage is delivery, but at this point she feels like it is impossible to go on. But YHWH says, "Shall I bring to the birth and not bring forth?" (Isa. 66:9) We are called to walk by faith, even though everything we can see seems to say that the restoration of Israel and the one new man is just a pipe dream.

Revelation 12:1 depicts a woman clothed with the sun with a crown of 12 stars. Genesis 37:9-10 identifies the 12 stars as the 12 sons of Jacob. So this woman is all Israel when she is reunited. After her birthpangs, the dragon tries to destroy her child. So she flees into the wilderness, where she is protected for 1,260 days, or "a time, two times, and half a time" (three and half years--apparently harbored by Moab, according to Isaiah 16).

Verse 17 says her seed are those who "keep the commandments of Elohim and have the testimony of Yeshua haMashiach." So what is brought forth at the birthpangs is Messiah's Body, though he, the firstfruits, was born earlier. The Hebrew word for "birthpangs" can also mean the "pivot" or hinge of a door (Prov. 26:14), or a "messenger" or "ambassador" (Prov. 25:13; Isa. 18:2; 57:9). So the birthpangs are the closing of one door (the removal of the grafted-in branches of the church which did not bear fruit) but the threshold to or crossing over, a harbinger of the arrival of something new. John 16:21 reminds us that "a woman when she is in birthpangs has sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world." It is at
this time when Israel is back in the wilderness (Isaiah 16:4-5) that the throne will be established in the Tent of David. Both Houses of Israel together will have one shepherd, [the son of] David. (Ezek. 34:23; 37:24) Then the new man will be complete.

But the birth pangs signal a transition for Babylon also. "They shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman who is giving birth." As a woman giving birth. There is really no birth, though for Babylon. (Isa. 13:8)

It is the "image of the Beast" that all mankind is coerced into worshipping. But this "man" is no man after all. It is only a projection of haSatan's wishful thinking. One Hebrew word for "idol" means "a semblance" or a mere image--i.e., something that may or may not have any relation to reality, but only seems real. HaSatan cannot create, but only counterfeit something YHWH has created, taking a grain of truth and sponging off it like a parasite.

The reviling man's mother was from the tribe of Dan, which means "judgment". From this verse has stemmed a Jewish tradition that the Counterfeit Messiah spoken of by Daniel and other prophets will come from the tribe of Dan, and will contend with the true Messiah. To deceive the many, he will probably even say he is "Jesus Christ". Now there is nothing inherently wrong with that name. I find no linguistic evidence that, as some say, it is related to "Zeus". It is merely the result of step-by-step translation and transliteration into one language after another so that it has lost all resemblance to Yahshua's original Hebraic character. So we find it best to avoid using this name. It has been profaned to no end, as has the name "God" that is likewise substituted for YHWH's real name. (As in our opening passage, this hybrid man takes the Name lightly.) This "different Jesus" is also only a projected image, a distortion of the true Yahshua, but will finally be embodied in a personality diametrically opposed to Yahshua.

Ephraim and Menashe were the sons of Joseph (son of Jacob) and an Egyptian woman. Because their father was an Israelite, they could still inherit as Israelites; the same would not be true if it went the other way, as with the man in Leviticus 24. There are some of each type in the church--some who have been exiled there, sown by YHWH, and others who have infiltrated, planted there by the enemy.

Our diaspora was YHWH's punishment; for a while He called us to seek the welfare of our place of exile. (Jer. 29:7) Overlooking the times of ignorance, He has allowed much good to be accomplished by His people, though they had not yet made a complete break with paganism. The wheat and darnel were allowed to grow together so that the good crop was not damaged, but as we approach the end of the Age, the time for separation is fast approaching.

The lines are being drawn. One man will soon be only evil and the other will be all good. (Rev. 22:11) Anyone associated with "Babylon" at that point will partake of her judgment. Even though our motives may be the best in the world, we will be found to be building the wrong house--one built on sand. Our exile is nearly over. Daniel recognized when the time of his exile was due to be up. While others were comfortable in the luxury of Babylon, he took practical steps to in fact bring the exile to an end. "Come out of her, My people" (Rev. 18:4) while there is still time, before the whole world that is under the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19) goes down with the Beast. The church has perhaps served as a lifeboat in the interim, but it is time to get back to land--THE Land that is the inheritance of Israel and be who we were truly meant to be.

YHWH has no covenant with the church or Christianity as such, and certainly not with Babylon/ Egypt/ Rome. The only entrance into the New Jerusalem is through a gate bearing the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. (Rev. 21:12) The New Covenant is only with the House of Judah and the House of Israel. If you are not aligned with one of these, what promise do you have of sharing in it?

After twenty centuries, it is time for Jacob to stop building up the household of Laban (the "white one" who proves to only want to get rich at our expense) and put his energy into his own people. Let us put away the mixture--the "hybrid man"--and live as the pure Nation that, following Yahshua, fully restores Man to the image of Elohim.

As we watch the market shudder from the impact of the first attacks and the impending war,
fears of instability and economic disaster are all around us,
especially since the energy sources we depend on most now seem to be in the hands of the enemy.
But we've only seen tremors compared to the upheavals
that are promised for the whole world in the upcoming years,
and rather than expecting things to settle back to normal,
we must prepare for changes like we've never seen before.

But there is no cause for fear if our anchor is in the right place.
"In the time of trouble He will hide me in His protected place." (Psalm 27:5)
That "protected place" speaks of a screened-in, hedged-about place of safety,
and is related to the word "sukkah", the singular form of the
"booths" we dwell in at the upcoming festival by the same, Sukkoth.
During this feast we live in less-protected, open booths
because this is a picture of the Kingdom, when we will really be able to "lie down in safety".
But we partake of that time in advance
when we obey His command to celebrate this most joyful of feasts.

The Torah lifestyle was always meant to be a taste of that Garden of Eden in the midst of a fallen world.
For those whom He loves, Yahweh provides an alternative to the "vanity of vanities" curse
placed on the rebels at Babel, like a law of aerodynamics provided to supersede the law of gravity.
The Torah itself is grace, for grace is supernatural provision so we can overcome our tendency to sin.
In medieval Europe, those who followed the Torah's purity rituals were not affected by the Black Plague;
Jewish men in the trenches in World War I did not get the same diseases the uncircumcised contracted
when they could not bathe for weeks on end. Israel has always been an oasis
in the midst of a drought as long as it stayed close to the waters of Torah. (Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:8; Isaiah 58:11)
The waters of purification from ritual defilement
have always been seen as a way of connecting to Eden again even in our exile.

The river of redemption flows all through Israel's history: Joseph brought his family to safety,
and even when they were enslaved, they lived in Goshen,
an enclave that was shielded from the plagues that came upon Egypt.
In the "waste howling wilderness", where no one could expect food, they were provided with manna.
And even when they arrived in the Land and settled into "normal" patterns somewhat,
they were still never to be "just one of the nations of the world";
the call was always there to do things that went against conventional wisdom
in order to maintain faith in an Elohim who can
supersede the ordinary patterns.
Every seven years the land is to be left fallow and everyone has to wait for Yahweh's provision,
but to the obedient, He promised it would be there in abundance.
Three times a year all able-bodied men were summoned to Jerusalem to appear before Yahweh.
One of these times was Sukkoth, right after the harvest was gathered in
when it would be most tempting to stay home and guard the precious grain from enemies.
But to those who were obedient He promised, "No one will covet your land
when you go up to appear before YHWH three times during the year." (Exodus 34:24b)
He would make sure all these things were kept safe while they journeyed in obedience to Him.
No one would bother their families or possessions--a foreshadowing of the Kingdom,
when "no one will make them afraid". (Y'chezq'el/Ezekiel 34:28; Micha 4:4; Zeph. 3:13)
When we seek first YHWH's Kingdom, He makes sure we have the other things we need. (Matt. 6:33)

How simple He intended our lives to be, and how complicated we make them!
What the world advertises always obligates one to continue earning more to insure the gains we've made.
Y'shua only prays, "Give us our bread for today." It's the manna story again.
In the Garden of Eden, labor was unrelated to provision. It was creative dignity
by which Yahweh's image was to be carried on--the proverbial "satisfaction of a job well done",
without being a mercenary of the drive to survive.
We are free to dedicate ourselves to meeting others' needs and not make monetary considerations an issue,
because we have a source of reimbursement that is not dependent on normal channels.
Rather, it's the securities we've spent our drudgery on that are really the mirage.
We're free to jettison them and "travel light", unencumbered by the baggage that always accompanies them.
Y'shua had no pillow to call His own, but He took His home--His Father's will--wherever He went,
and it required none of the bother of keeping house!

Who can own a sunset? Yet isn't it as much mine as it is yours?
In the 1960s, such ideas blossomed. The technological "system" had pushed things too far,
and a backlash had to come. But by and large the "simple lifestyle" turned out to be a fad,
and most former hippies are now "yuppies". What made such a noble goal fall so flat?

The Bible calls it "Mammon" [Hebrew for "wealth" or security].
As part of the "Babylon" system, it sells the bodies and souls of men,
squeezing a profit from life's most memorable occasions,
smearing people's names through competition for the same money,
and making man's creativity subservient to market trends and consumeristic goals.

When Adam fell, sweat became the only way for him to gain bread.
But from the very start, Yahweh's grace prevented that from being the whole story.
Before the curse left His lips, He set limits on how far it could go.
The Sabbath day, which He built into creation even before man's fall,
kept us from total enslavement to work. The demands of the ethic of productivity are not ultimate.
Far from being legalism, through the Sabbath Yahweh shows us His grace.

The world fears the future, so Mammon holds the poor as well as the rich in servitude.
In contrast, Yahweh says, "Don't bother wearing yourself out to get rich." It's not necessary!
His command to "be content with food and covering" is based squarely on His promise
to be our ever-present provider who can do anything.
So why live as if we're enslaved to the system that prescribes changing fashions
to keep us ever responsible to spend money on things we don't need?
"Everyone who thirsts, come, buy and eat wine and milk without money and without price!" (Isaiah 55)

We can carry this principle into every part of life.
We derive our joy from a source totally independent of how others treat us.
We make ourselves slaves to others by expecting some satisfaction from him that they can't give.
Yahweh alone has it, and He does want to give it away.
All along He has been the only realistic expectation anyway.
We just thought there were other sources; there never really were.

Y'shua had full confidence in who he was, and how did it He show it?
He served others in the most humiliating way instead of lording it over them. (Yochanan/John 13)
It's hard to deny self unless we know that it's really only a counterfeit self we are suppressing,
and that this feeds our higher nature. But since He has promised to supply our every need, worry is no longer wisdom but sin--
because wisdom is ultimately a person. New Agers and their ancient counterparts require so many expensive accessories or elaborate
rituals to guarantee "spiritual wellness". Advertisers count on us not finding the real source of satisfaction.
Y'shua says, "Come to Me! I will give you rest...My yoke is easy."
We have found what everyone else covets and can never attain.
So Isaiah goes on to say, "why spend your money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?"

As soon as Zakkai (Zacchaeus) caught a glimpse of grace,
he wasted no time abandoning Mammon, the lesser god that had been his slave-driver.
He dived head-first into grace and inherited all that the rich young ruler had forfeited for mere wealth
and all the worries that come with it. What we own often ends up owning us.
As Gary S. Paxton sings, "There goes a shiny new car driving a man!"
James says the rich man will pass away when his riches fade, perhaps because he's only been halfway in touch with life,
buffered by a comfort that appears to make him secure but really doesn't,
as we could see so well in that attack on the financial district of New York.
But a content heart can find even in the slums a joy that still eludes the South-Sea vacationers.
If I don't have enough money for something, and Yahweh doesn't give it after I ask,
I simply don't need it. Times of lack liberate us when we see what we really can live without.
If you put all your energy into what cannot be taken away, then when what CAN be taken away inevitably IS,
you're really no worse off. The less you depend on things outside yourself
for your sense of well-being, the stronger and more resilient you'll become.

And today that is the word Yahweh's prophets are bringing: extricate yourselves from Mammon in any way you can.
There're always been a tension between focusing on service to Yahweh and having to pay the bills.
But soon there will be a watershed in which we have to make a black-and-white choice between Yahweh and Mammon.
A time is coming when "no one will be able to buy or sell"
unless he turns himself completely over to that system. (Rev. 13)
When Mammon's true colors show up, and it turns on the church that played the harlot with it for so long.
Anyone still aligned with it then has much to fear indeed.

It is no accident that this concept of being hidden in Yahweh's sukkah is related to the "time of trouble",
because the day of YHWH's indignation and wrath is how the Messianic Kingdom opens.
This Psalm (27) is read daily in the month leading up to the "Days of Awe"
(the Feast of Trumpet-blasts through the Day of Atonement)
when the individual and the local Israelite community live out a prophetic microcosm of the age we are beginning to experience,
often called the "birthpangs of the Messiah".

But He invites us, "Come, My people, enter into your innermost chambers and hide yourself, as it were, for a brief moment,
until the indignation is spent." (Isa. 26:20) This is the same word used for a wedding "chamber", and parallels the innermost sanctuary of the tabernacle,
where Yahweh communes with His nation, Israel. Beginning to "dwell" there now
is the key to peace during the coming time that will make the twin towers disaster and even the Holocaust pale in comparison.

It's this age that haSatan wants to preserve, since it's soon going to be his only domain.
Like those who lived in Babel, many are again trying to build a paradise on earth instead of waiting for Yahweh's deliverance.
In a striking parallel with the plagues in Egypt, Yahweh will again show the world
that the things they trust in cannot stand up when put to the hardest tests.
This "Brave New World" is the real failure to come to terms with reality.
Humanity can't stave death off forever, but they seem confident that they'll somehow find a way.
But who in his right mind would want to settle for this age--a ship that is clearly sinking--
when he knows his spirit is being tailored for the Real world?
Yahweh left a lot of beauty in fallen creation, but He also left it incomplete,
so we'd know it was only a glimpse of a better age when Eden itself would be restored.
We're not supposed to be comfortable with the way things are, for "this is not the place of your rest."

But like Pharaoh, the repeated chorus in Revelation 16 is "Still they refused to repent."
They just cannot see it, for they've invested everything in the system that we've already seen begin to crumble.
If we only knew how much of an affront to Yahweh this rebellious world system is,
we would not balk as much we do at the idea of a final judgment.

Once haSatan recognizes that his time is short, he comes in great fury.
This is called the "time of Jacob's trouble", and Israel, especially those who have the testimony of Y'shua, are his special target.
Of course, it would be foolish to say "Be anxious for nothing" if it weren't for our heavenly Father's loving care.

In one sense, earthquakes are "normal" shifts of the earth's crust;
the processes are usually just too slow for us to notice the patterns.
But the Scriptures always present their timing as meaningful. An earthquake at the moment of Y'shua's death
and one in Philippi when Paul was jailed there were carefully planned events
that revealed much truth about Yahweh and gave occasion for it to spread like wildfire.
Is there a storm? It's to make Jonah repent. So there are no accidents.
"You cause the wrath of man to praise You; the remainder of wrath You will restrain." (Psalm 76:10)
So we can assume that every attack an enemy gets through has been screened in advance by Yahweh
so that it carries out His purposes and pushes people to choose to either align with Him or against Him.

If we choose to dwell in His secret place, we will only watch the repayment of the wicked
as if we were spectators. (Psalm 91) Those who are walking in His will can say with the oft-quoted psalmist,
"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." If we let Him,
He can add a secret weapon that the world can't give: peace while our enemies are still breathing down our necks.

This won't come to individuals. Yahweh is gathering us together again
as the people of Israel, which has been Mammon's arch-enemy all along.

There were only two things one could bring with him into the Temple in Jerusalem (a symbol of leaving the world behind).
One was the receipt proving he had paid for a sacrificial animal--which corresponds to faith in Y'shua, our sacrifice.
The other was alms for the poor. They couldn't take any other personal belongings,
and we can't take anything else with us into the Kingdom.
Y'shua's parable of the "rich fool" speaks of a man who was not "rich toward Yahweh"
by giving away his excess to the needy. "He who gives to the poor lends to his Maker",
who'll then repay from a bank unaffected by market trends and invulnerable to robbery.
By giving to those who can't pay us back, we actually send it on ahead of us into the Kingdom.
This care for one another also does away with the need for dependence on outside insurance policies.
By using Mammon this way, we take it out of circulation--a sabbath rest in which we joyfully lay aside all thought of money,
giving us the perspective necessary to keep it in its place. We might even be more carefree in shelling it out,
for the One who gave us friends to love will continue to provide for us if we sacrifice security to serve them as we should.
For now, Yahweh makes Mammon, which to others is a tyrant, a mere tool for us to use.

If we hoard for tomorrow's needs which may never materialize, we lose both ways.
Not only will moth, rust, and inflation make it all worthless; we're also guaranteeing that
Yahweh will "have nothing" to give us tomorrow, since we aren't "investing with Him" now.
This is not primarily for after this lifetime;
when Yahweh replaces even the sun and moon, what possible need could we have for anything else?
The treasure in heaven is to draw upon as we need it, but we have no room to receive it until we've depleted our natural resources.
Do HIS seemingly-unremunerated work, He promises,
and we will be sustained by other means. We'll be cared for directly.

One day soon we will have to do without money altogether.
But there is nothing in creation that gives us reason to conclude that money would have been an inevitable fact of life on earth.
Yahweh, who gave us the fullness of the whole beautiful world, can certainly preserve us intact without one small man-made commodity.
People lived without it in the past, and as we get close to the restoration of Eden,
it is only fitting that we will go back to a life where livestock and land where crops can be raised are seen as the real wealth.

But it goes still further. We don't even live by bread alone. If Yahweh chooses,
He can give us manna again, or even alter our digestive functions so that we can do without food
when it is no longer possible to buy or sell without compromising our commitment to Him--
perhaps another foreshadowing in the fasting of Yom Kippur.
Don't waste the opportunity to see His salvation again, by falling back into bondage to Mammon!

The birth pangs of the Kingdom have already begun. We are called to even now
begin living according to the laws of the next life, for the sake of the Kingdom.
"The time is short. From now on, ...those who buy something, should live as if it were not theirs to keep;
those who use the things of this world, as if they did not, because the present order of this world is passing away." (1 Cor. 7)
A new day is pressing in on us before the old completely fades out.
Will you keep enjoying the prosperity of the old age, or will you share in the birth pangs of the new?
Will you suffer with it while it is still unsettled?

Proverbs 11:28 says, "He that trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a palm."
Back to that imagery of an oasis in the midst of a drought again.

To those who continue recognizing the counterfeit holidays that keep Mammon funded,
"who forsake Yahweh and forget My holy mountain, who set a table to Fortune/Luck [Gad]
and who fill [a cup with] MIXED wine for Fate/ Destiny,
I will number you for the sword... Thus says the Master Yahweh: "Take notice!
My servants will eat, but you will be hungry. Look! My servants will drink, but you will be thirsty.
Behold! My servants will rejoice, but you will be ashamed. Indeed, My servants will sing for joy of heart, but you will cry from heartbreak...
The Master Yahweh will kill you, and He will call His servants by another name.
Whoever in the earth blesses himself will bless himself in the Elohim of truth...
because the former dstresses are forgotten... for, behold, I am creating new heavens and a new earth,
and the earlier things will not be recalled... Rejoice in what I create: ...Jerusalem and her people..." (Isa. 65:11-18)

Did you know those last verses were in the "Old Testament" and not just in Revelation?
Yahweh's called-out have been known by the name of "Christian" for a long time,
and that had a valid purpose; it was one step out of Babylon.
But it is a Greek name, not of the pure language of Hebrew, and everything that can be shaken will be.
I believe that "different name" which His people will be called, in context of v. 18, has to be "Israel".
The "New Covenant" of Jeremiah 31 is made only with the House of Israel and the House of Judah.
If you are not aligned with one of these, where is the basis for your covenant with Yahweh?
Y'shua said he only came for the "lost sheep of the House of Israel".

Come all the way out from among Babylon and Mammon! Stop being "mixed wine"--having some Biblical truth and some paganism!
(Those feasts to Fortune and Destiny were December 24 and 25.)
Come back to purity, for only it can stand the test of the fire Yahweh has already kindled in the earth.
Then all those promises will be for you.


In 1995 I was privileged to view prophecy-in-the fulfilling as I attended a conference in Jerusalem hosted by the Orthodox Jews most closely involved in the preparations to build the next Temple in Jerusalem. It was exciting to see implements that were built to YHWH's exact specifications. They had a hard time identifying some the 12 types of gems on the high priest's garment. (Guesses were substituted in translations through the centuries.) Only in the past year have they all been identified and procured. Another difficulty was that the names of the 12 tribes had to be engraved on them without metal tools. In the past they had used an acid solution including an unidentified enzyme. The solution? Since the Bible doesn't forbid it, they are engraving them with laser! The blue thread for the corners of the priests' garments had to be a particular shade of blue (represented in the Israeli flag). The dye came from a certain kind of snail that had not been seen for 2,000 years. But in the last decade, it turned up again on Israel's shores!

Red heifers are being bred in the U.S., and in 1995 they succeeded in breeding one that would be acceptable if it did not have to be shipped to Israel. But it showed exactly what was needed. Since then other "kosher" red heifers have been born right in Israel. Children are being raised in a ritually pure environment so there will be someone to purify the high priest with the heifer's ashes when it is old enough to be slain on the Mt. of Olives. Many of the implements to be used in the Temple have been completed, and the Table of Showbread, laver, menorah, and other furniture are ready.

Of course, the Jews need to have the Temple Mount back in order to build the Temple, but there are some theories as to the former Temple's location that might allow for it to be built alongside the present Muslim shrines. Revelation 11 suggests that this might be the case, since the angel told John that the outer courts would be "trodden down by the nations" until the Great Tribulation ended. The sacrificial altar could be in use before the sanctuary is completed, as it was in Ezra 3:6. (In Jewish eschatological interpretation, Ecclesiastes 1:9, "What has been will be", is a key principle.)

But didn't Yahshua's finished work on the cross replace animal sacrifice? Aren't our bodies now the only Temple of YHWH? And isn't the Church the Plan B spiritual heir of YHWH's promises to Israel? Yahshua did fulfill what the sacrifices pictured. But the blood of bulls and goats never did take away sin (Heb. 10:4). It was only a picture, yet by no means was it insignificant. When Moses struck the rock that represented Messiah, he was barred from entering the Promised Land. Why was it that serious? Because he misrepresented something that pictured Messiah, who was only to be smitten once (1 Cor. 10:4). He distorted a pure revelation about YHWH. (Compare this with 1 Cor. 11:10; Eph. 3:10)

The Temple rituals are analogous. Hebrews 8:5 says that in some way the Temple was an exact replica of heaven. YHWH Himself gave Moses the pattern, so we must keep that in mind when we read passages like "I hate, I despise your festivals and sacrifices." He didn't mean they shouldn't be doing them! What was at issue was that their heart attitude didn't match their outward actions.

Strangely, many Scriptures that are used to denigrate the Temple services actually explain their value! Colossians 2 says to let no one judge us for celebrating holy days (those actually given by YHWH), because they "are a shadow of things to come", and their substance belongs to Messiah. Some translations interpolate "which were a shadow of things which were to come." That's not what the Greek says! Some of those festivals are yet to be fulfilled. A shadow shows the shape of something accurately; it's just that some people were trusting the shadows instead of the real thing for their salvation.

This is where Yahshua took issue with the Pharisees. It was their self-righteousness that He reprimanded. He actually agreed with most of what they taught. (Many of His teachings line up with the Pharisaical School of Hillel; the ideas He fought were usually those of Shammai, who put more fences around the Law than YHWH intended.)
It's Not a Contradiction
In fact, the historian Josephus records that Yahshua's brother James, who believed in Him, at least after His resurrection, remained a leader of the Pharisees until his death. (When the high priest had him executed, it infuriated many Pharisees so much that they impeached him!) When some Jews accused Paul of slandering their traditions, he proved he'd never done anything against them (Acts 21:22ff). 29 years after Yahshua's resurrection, Paul still called himself a Pharisee (23:6). His actions here and in 24:17 are those of one who's taken a Nazirite vow (Numbers 6), including animal offerings. Ananias was "devout according to the law" in the eyes of all his Jewish neighbors (Acts 22:12).

So there was clearly no conflict between being a Torah-observant rabbi and a believer in Messiah! The biggest dispute in the early Church was over whether non-Jews had to convert to Judaism in order to become "Christians". (Acts 15) Today it seems to go the other way as Jews are told to give up Hebraic customs! But over and over YHWH says He gave them these statutes "for all generations and forever" (Ex. 12; 27:21; Lev. 23; Num. 15, etc.). No wonder many see belief in Yahshua as treason. But it is we who are grafted into Israel. (Romans 9-11).

YHWH said that only if we could measure the heavens and the depths of the earth would He ever reject Israel. (Jer. 31:37) Not one stroke of a pen will be abolished from the Torah and prophets until all is fulfilled. (Matt. 5:17). Yahshua accomplished all it took to guarantee that all would be fulfilled, but He has not yet fleshed it all out. The limited fulfillment that we do indeed enjoy today is hardly the fullness of His kingdom!

The "abomination of desolations" requires a Temple to be in place soon. (Rev. 12; Matt. 24:15.) Ezekiel 43ff describes how it'll be completed after Yahshua returns, complete with animal sacrifices! All nations will be required to come worship there (Is. 2, 66; Zech. 14). It won't be done away with till there's a new earth (Rev. 21:22).
But why is a Temple needed with Yahshua Himself present? It seems odd, but it's in Scripture, so it must not be contradictory. It may be because children born to those who come to believe during the Great Tribulation (still having natural bodies, though the new environment will make things much easier) will still need to be taught about redemption. The Temple service was YHWH's first way to instruct us about that need. Though it's already accomplished, it's natural that He'd use the same illustration again.

We live in a unique parenthetical time described in Yahshua's parable of the weeds and the wheat (Matt. 13:24-30). Judgment waits for YHWH to pronounce the grace period over. But end it will, and maybe very soon.

Since Jerusalem was regained in 1967, we seem to be in a reversal of the transitional period between the cross and the Temple's destruction in A.D. 70. The services went on, but the scarlet cord on the scapegoat's horn stopped miraculously turning white (Isa. 1:18), and the Temple doors stopped opening of their own accord "40 years before the Temple was destroyed".

YHWH has a few finishing touches to put on the "times of the Gentiles"; there is a little way to go in gathering the House of Joseph. But the many abuses of His patience today should warn us that the Age of Grace has all but run its course. The miracles that have occurred to facilitate preparations for the Temple, the quantum leap in Jews responding to the Gospel since 1967, and the many "Gentile" believers returning to an understanding of Hebraic ways (Zech. 8:23), harbinger the age when the Messiah will rule all nations from Jerusalem. Will you feel at home with that? Start now to learn how!
Transformed by the
Renewing of Your Mind

Romans 12:1 contrasts two ways of letting our mind be "formed"--conformity to the world (from outside us) and transformation from within. The chief meaning, of course, is letting the change that the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) has wrought in us "sink" deeply into our every thought pattern, "taking them all captive" to the obedience of the Messiah (2 Cor. 10:5).

As, in Washington Irving's legend, Rip Van Winkle awoke as the citizen of a new nation without knowing what had happened while he slept, we too have been made subjects of a new King, but every part of us has to be informed of our new nature and aligned with that truth.

But when Yahweh calls people "stiff-necked", etc., His spiritual analogies often hold true physically as well. (The Hebrew language associates the soul with the neck!)

And now it appears that habitual thought patterns are literally carved into our brains. Psychologist William James said, "Nerve currents propagate themselves easiest through those tracts of conduction which already have been in use." But new ones can be formed, if reinforced with new habits of thought. "Memory...exists in the changed connections between different sets of neural networks." (National Geographic, June 1995)

As new patterns are formed, we literally become new personalities, and consequently we act differently. Even before we receive our new bodies, we can receive new minds as we let Yahweh have His way!

We sometimes think we can derive all the love we so deeply need from one of Yahweh's creatures. But, as loving as they may be, they are still "broken cisterns that can hold no water" (Jer. 2:13) if we try to let them take His place in our lives. 1 Cor. 7 warns us that, as true as Gen. 2:18 is, the most basic underpinnings of this world are about to radically change, because something much bigger--a new Kingdom--is afoot. (See also Heb. 12:27.)

The vestiges of "the world" will continue to the end of this age, but things do not have to remain as they were. All is not just "vanity of vanities" anymore; there is a way out! The Kingdom of Yahweh gives us an exception to the dead ends that the world always presents us with. We do not only have earthly options! We have a choice to follow our old, ingrown ways or let Him pull us up to a higher pattern of responsible actions. The law of gravity still holds true, but the law of aerodynamics supercedes it. Likewise, as we walk by the spirit, we will no longer be reacting in the fleshly way. This is not a command, but a statement about how things work--which is, after all, what a "law" is. We are set free from the limitations that come with doing everything in our own power.

This lifestyle of grace (supernatural empowerment) can disarm and displace the "elemental spirits" (Col. 2:8ff)--things that seemed to be written into the very foundations of the earth. We can now feel free to give to those who can't repay, for we have a limitless Provider Who keeps giving, yet surprises us by bringing the supply from a different member of His Body each time--often letting the expected sources disappoint us, so we'll remember that only He Himself is the real wellspring of living water. This liberates us from having to put unrealistic demands on others, for our expectation is only from Him. And we can greet each moment--not just the kind of moments we would prefer to have--with eagerness. We can, as Paul said, give thanks in everything!
Just What Are the

Judaism is often said to be a religion of the "now", with little to say about the hereafter. Yet every morning the priests' first prayer reminded them to keep the future Messianic kingdom in mind as the backdrop for their daily activities. And from ancient times they have claimed to know when this will occur.

At a time when I thought eschatology just couldn't be deciphered, I'd say, "Peter and Paul already thought they were living in 'the latter days', so we can't call our own days the last in any special sense." But long before Christians were studying prophecy, Torah scholars interpreted Psalm 90:4 as a key to human history. "One day with YHWH is as 1,000 years" (2 Peter 3:8) is a quote from earlier commentaries on this verse. They deduced that this meant there'd be 7,000 years of human history, the 7th and final 1,000-year "day" being a "Sabbath rest" for the whole earth after 6 "days" of labor and sorrow.

The phrase "In That Day" is used many times by the prophets to denote this final "Day of YHWH", a time when YHWH's wrath would be fulfilled and Messiah would reign on David's throne. (This interpretation enables us to make sense of Y'shua's otherwise puzzling statement in John 16:23 about "That Day".)

The "3rd day" began at the call of Abraham; the 4th began in the days of David, and the 5th, right around the time Y'shua was born. Before Israel corporately rejected Him, Jewish interpretations were very different from now: they called the 5th and 6th "days" (the past 2,000 years) the "Days of Messiah"!

Anything after Wednesday is the latter part of a week. Pentecost was early on "Thursday", so Peter and Paul were in the "latter days". But we're near the end of the 6th day, though we don't know just how near, due to use of different calendars throughout history.

This "1,000-year" approach also gives new meaning to "In the day that you sin, you shall surely die." Despite extreme longevity before the Flood, no one lived to be 1,000 years old. All died the same "day" they were born. It also explains the promise that YHWH will raise Israel back up "after two days" of their being stricken and afflicted (Hosea 5:15-6:2).

The 8th period is the "age to come", or eternity. In biblical imagery, the number 8 often speaks of "new beginnings" after a complete cycle. That "day" is not 1,000 years. Years are obsolete by then; there's no sun left to count by! (Rev. 21:23)

Yahweh's mercy shows up even in His judgments.

From the very start, Genesis hints at the fact that He forced Adam and Eve out of the Garden and guarded the Tree of Life so that they would not eat of it in their fallen condition and thus be unable to die and be reborn into sinlessness.

We still see His consideration in the way He has allowed the curse to be played out. Pain makes us seek Yahweh; the unpredictabilities of life remind us that He is really the one in charge; and natural disasters make us more concerned for others' safety and welfare, and motivate us to work together. All these are the very remedies for the attitudes that led to the Fall in the first place. He screens the Fall's effects so that the only correctives that get through to us are those that will help us grow.
The Pinnacle of the Temple
(Above) "King David's" garments furnished by (Levite) Reuven Prager
of Beged Ivri, Jerusalem.
How to Spot a Truly Secure Person

"Y'shua, knowing that His Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come out from Yahweh and was going away to Yahweh,...laid aside His garments, and ...began to wash the feet of the disciples." (John 13:3-5)

You can tell who is secure by who is SERVING his brothers.

If we are given a high position, don't we tend to flaunt it and forget the needs of "less important" people? But Y'shua, our prototype, had no concern about maintaining His reputation. He knew that was taken care of, so He did what SOMEbody needed to do. But we have the same assurance that our future is taken care of!

I think that's why the New Testament puts so much emphasis on loving one another. We know that if our hearts are right toward Yahweh, we won't be condemned if we miss keeping one rule. And we all know that we're just as weak as our brothers and sisters, so why waste time pointing out their shortcomings?

Instead, we're free to concentrate on helping each other get through the "tribulations" that we have in the world until the Kingdom comes to full flower. Better, isn't it?

When I lost all human hope of something I had my heart set on, instead of going into a tailspin of depression, I felt a burden had been lifted from me and I felt free to live again, because I no longer had any control over it. Whatever resurrection might come, it would have to be Yahweh's own supernatural doing. Yet that's the only sure place to hang ANY hope.

Hope, as used in Scripture, means more than wishful longing. It denotes a certainty that comes from being assured by one who is trustworthy. This is why Romans 8:25 can say, "If we hope for something we do not see, we wait for it patiently." When we have such a guarantee, we can rest secure, no matter how long we have to wait to see the promise fulfilled.

Yahweh's Guard Rails

What would you think of a football team that threw away all the rule books? They might be fun to watch, but they certainly wouldn't be playing football. Yet this is exactly what some people think Paul meant when he said we were no longer "under the law".

Our Coach is unusual; He chooses us not based on our abilities, but because He sees potential in us. You don't even have to know all the rules when you start. He's patient. He knows you'll make mistakes in the process. This life is mostly a matter of training and recruiting more people for the "real game", the coming Kingdom. But how well we do what we can do now will determine who gets to play what position in that "game". If you consistently refuse to play by the rules, you'll spend most of your time on the bench. (Matt. 5:19; 25:28; Dt. 4:2; Rev. 22:19)

On the other hand, while obedience to the coach may not get us onto--or keep us on--the team, it is the only way a team can function. Every team member is important, but without an authority structure, how can we all work together?

The Torah is called a "tutor" to lead us to the Messiah (Gal. 3). But some think that if we're no longer "under" it, we must be legalists if we do what it says! Yet what adult would touch a hot stove burner just because he's no longer under his parents' rules? A true "grown-up" has internalized the reasons those rules are for his good (Ex. 15:26).

If anything, Yahshua raised the standard ("But I say unto you...", Matt. 5) because with His Spirit in us we can't be content just to do good deeds outwardly; they must come from the heart. We're dead to sin; are we to go back into it just to prove its condemnation has been lifted? (Rom. 6:2) That would evidence a shallow recognition of who we are. We avoid sin because we belong to a new race. As there are physical laws that explain to us how things work (such as astronomy, from the Greek for "laws by which stars operate"), there are spiritual laws that teach us to line up with the only way the spiritual world can operate properly.

The Torah is the minimal basis for an understanding of Yahweh's work. It's a "shadow" of the Messiah; He's the "substance". (Col.2:17; Heb. 10:1) But wherever there's light, a shadow is inseparable from the substance. A picture isn't the real thing, but it does portray its shape accurately (Heb. 9:24).

As we have Adam's physical seed in us, we have the Second Adam's spiritual "seed" in us. His "seed" cannot sin, because it is "born of Yahweh" (1 Jn. 3:9; see back page). Whatever in us sins is still part of the first Adam's dying nature, "the flesh", which will never get any better (Eph. 4:22). Yahweh knows we'll always have the struggle between these two natures, and He has mercifully removed the penalty for our having once abandoned His covenant through the Messiah's once-for-all sacrifice (Rom. 7,8; Col. 2:13-14), unless we forsake it again (Heb. 10:26).

Another "law" has thus been added to the first. As the law of aerodynamics can override the law of gravity without making it invalid, we've been given grace (empowerment) to be able to rise above our tendency to disobey, which is what rendered the Torah ineffective. (Romans 8:3) Moses couldn't take us across the Jordan into the Promised Land; Y'hoshua (Joshua, the longer form of Yahshua's name) COULD! At any given moment we can choose whether to walk according to the first or second Adam's nature. But only what our new nature does will survive into the Kingdom (1 Cor. 3:10-14); only its deeds will be rewarded. Yet because of Yahshua, what was once outside of us, accusing us since we couldn't obey it, is now inside us, part of us--the spirit behind the "letter". The two are not in opposition.

Even Jewish scholars say the Torah is only a set of concrete examples of what it means to "love your neighbor as yourself" in whatever situation in life we find ourselves (Gal. 5:14). Many of its commands only apply in the land of Israel or when the Temple is standing. Some are only for women, others only for men. Only about 200 are applicable literally by most individuals today.

But as the Good News exploded into all the world, the number of possible applications mushroomed. As the Holy Spirit begins to write Yahweh's Torah on our hearts, we are "cut some slack" from the Tutorial document so we can spread our wings (Gal. 4); there is room for some creativity and variation in the particular expressions of our walk when we are mature enough to know what to avoid. But as in any healthy mentor relationship, we keep coming back to it to help us define what love really is, since worldly definitions are rather fickle.

Adam and Eve forfeited that immediacy, opting to look at particular things as either good or evil, carrying the burden of such "knowledge" in themselves, so they wouldn't have to keep coming back to their Designer, who would gladly have told them how to avoid harm without the agonizing trial and error. So a rigid fence had to be erected to prevent Man's annihilation. The world's way eventually requires dictators or more subtle manipulation if it is to prevent total chaos. But the model of love we follow is no impersonal behaviorism that denies freedom and dignity. The Last Adam restored the lost relationship: He did nothing but what He saw the Father doing. (John 5:19, 30) Yahweh had provided Him with a body through which to walk it out. (Heb. 10:5, quoting Psalm 40:6-8, LXX)

And as the Father sent Him, He sends us: He has prepared particular "good works"--of many different kinds--for each of us to walk out as individuals, not instead of but beyond the letter--in the living color of the spirit (the attitude or intent) behind its specifics. (Eph. 2:10) That verse literally begins, "We are His poem..."! Each of us is painstakingly crafted into an original work of art that shows never-before-seen facets of what His love can be!

But still we must "color inside the lines". Or, to change the analogy, we have to sail our ship in the proper channels to avoid the rocks, because we are not in a friendly world since that day in Eden. "Instruction" is closer to the Hebrew sense of Torah than "law"--the way to navigate a world that is out to destroy anyone who still has a vestige of joy, integrity, or even just love for Yahweh.

When we look at the world's legal systems, we feel very little confidence that justice will be done. In contrast, Solomon said the Torah brings "refreshment to our bones" (Prov.3). It gives us guard rails to avoid the sheer cliffs that real life so often brings us to the edge of. How did "the perfect law of liberty" (James 2:12), which only made David rejoice (Ps. 119), come to be thought of as legalism?

James says the Torah is like a mirror that shows us our "natural face". Even after our ancestors forgot their identity thousands of years ago, when we look back at the Torah, we can again recognize who we really are--Israel indeed! And Paul says that when we look into that mirror, it is the Messiah's face that we will behold! And the more we look at it, and act like it, the more like Him we will look! (2 Cor. 3:18)

Yes, the whole "Old Testament" is about Him! (Luke 24:44ff) If we say we love Him, don't we want to know as much as we possibly can about Him? And He said the way to prove we love Him is to keep His commandments. (John 14:15) Now of course, when He comes back physically, we would rather talk directly with Him than just read a letter from Him, but when we just "listen in prayer", there are many spirits all too willing to impersonate His voice, so we need an objective standard by which to judge when it is really Him. And that has been given us in the Torah. While we may interpret the New Testament (His latest letter to us) a little more clearly since He visited us in between letters, even it must still be interpreted only within the parameters set by His earlier writings.

"His commandments are not burdensome!" (1 John 5:3) When understood correctly, they never have been, though they certainly are a nuisance to our flesh! The "Law" only bears a "police" sense if we respond according to the nature that wants to disobey it. (Acts 9:5; 1 Tim. 1:8-9) But we don't need to. We're free to walk as children of light, since "now we ARE light in the Master" (Eph.5:8). There's nothing legalistic about acting like who you really are!