Books, Videos, and Other Study Materials
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Basics on Hebraic Roots

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Photo Gallery of Israel

Return of the Rest of Israel

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New Bible Translation

Sabbath Liturgy

The truth is not something one can sell for profit, and I want to make these important teachings available to anyone who will be faithful to follow through, regardless of their financial status. However, any assistance with costs of duplication and shipping will be appreciated. Videos are home-made, so please do not send more than for each.

The Return of the Rest of Israel

Why are so many believers today feeling a strong attraction to the Hebraic roots of Biblical faith?

Announcing a new documentary video that tells the astonishing story of how many prophecies not only about the better-known House of Judah, but the other House of Israel as well, are beginning to be fulfilled before our very eyes. It also gives an important perspective on one of the most often-overlooked reasons the Messiah came, but which may hold the key to the promised reunification of the long-divided kingdom of Israel. And this directly challenges each of us to take the next step toward being ready to participate in this momentous move of Yahweh.

This low-budget, not-for-profit production includes Hebraic music in the background and many scenes filmed right on site in the Holy Land.

If you are interested, e-mail me back with your name and mailing address.
VIDEO: Journey [Back] to the Center of the Earth
Travel the Holy Land in detail for nearly two hours, with teaching at every stop on the way. Not Hollywood quality, but you'll hear some unique archaeological updates and hear from speakers who are working directly to prepare for the reconstruction of the Temple and are reinstating ancient practices required in the Bible. Featuring Gershon Salomon (Temple Mount Faithful) and Reuven Prager (Beged Ivri).
BOOK: Behind the Seen
Read it on-line. (Not available in print.) Go to the "Digging Deeper" link on the home page.
Note: This is a website built before the author knew of the pagan roots of many of the names substituted for YHWH and Yahshua. The site-builder used is now defunct and it is no longer possible to edit these out. Please overlook this shortcoming and read the content as intending to reflect the truth at an earlier stage of growth.

SUKKOTH: Season of Our Joy

An introduction to this holiday and the Biblical Festivals in general. Filmed at Lake Murray, Oklahoma in October 2000. Includes a re-enactment (orchestrated by Joseph Good) of the Beth haShoeva (water pouring) ceremonies on "the last and greatest day of the Feast", the day Y'shua stood up in the Temple and offered living water to anyone who was thirsty. Also includes a discussion of the possibility that Y'shua was born during this feast.

A documentary of the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah, 2000) at Hardeeville, South Carolina which included a formal protocol between the First Nation native Americans (Gatekeepers to our continent) and both houses of Israel. Lengthy teaching on "Who is Israel?" and "Where do we go from here?" by Batya and Angus Wootten.
Briefing Pamphlets
Basic beginner-level background tri-folds on:

- The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel
- "So That I May Dwell Among Them" (The Temple)
- Appointments with our Creator (The Festivals)
- Are You Building the Right House?
- "My People Will Know My Name"
- One New Man (The Second Adam and His Body)
- The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Paganism in the Church
- Understanding Clean and Unclean
- "Rightly Dividing the Word" (Interpretation)

What the Bible Really Says About...
- Grace and the Law
- The Sabbath
- The New Covenant
- Heaven

- Shabbat Shalom:
A Short Sacred-Name Sabbath Liturgy
- Start Learning Hebrew
- The Land of Israel

- Entendiendo Limpio e Inmundo
- Citas con nuestro Creador

If ordering more than ten copies in any combination, please donate 5 cents per copy to cover costs.

For privacy and security, contact me at with your mailing address, and I will provide my address where you can send a check or money order. Sorry, we cannot accept credit cards at present.

"Back to the Ancient Path" is an official Union of Two House Messianic Congregations web site.

More materials are available at